Cannot connect to Trying opening but the site is not working and appears offline today? Check issue below if it's down for everyone else or just you!
If is up actually and appears down only for you then follow these troubleshooting steps or you can search for an alternative.
If is actually down then you can resolve the issue by doing following:
Wait for the site going up again.
Post an inquiry at its forum, twitter or Facebook Page.
Search here for an alternative.
If is not connecting or not working right now for you then try its alternatives.
Also please suggest us alternatives if you know any!
Step 1: Refresh your browser by hitting CTRL + F5 at the same time.
Problem resolved? No, Proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Switch off your modem and after restarting your computer turn it on again. Clear internet cookies and browser cache.
Still trapped, then move to Step 3.
Step 3: Your firewall may have blocked Temporarily disable your anti-virus or firewall running in background. Now, if you are able to access, be informed your security software is causing trouble. Try adding into trusted sites' set.
Step 4: If problem still persists, it could be DNS fault. DNS is a service that translates into computer-readable address called IP address. In most cases this job is done by your ISP. If only specific sites aren't opening chances are, it got corrupt.
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